
serení m. Bote pequeño que llevaban los antiguos bajeles de guerra.

Diccionario de la lengua española. 2015.

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  • serení — (Del cat. serení.) ► sustantivo masculino MILITAR, NÁUTICA Bote muy pequeño que llevaban los antiguos barcos de guerra. IRREG. en plural también sereníes * * * serení m. *Lancha de las más pequeñas que llevaban los antiguos barcos de guerra. * *… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • SERENI, ENZO ḤAYYIM — (1905–1944), Italian pioneer in Palestine, labor leader, writer, and one of the haganah emissaries parachuted into Europe during World War II. Born in Rome, the descendant of the distinguished and assimilated sereni family, he discovered Zionism… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Sereni, Enzo Chaim — (1905–44)    War hero. Sereni was born into an old Roman Jewish family and became an enthusiastic Zionist, settling in Palestine in 1927, as one of the founders of Givat Brenner, a kibbutz in the southern coastal plain. In World War II he was the …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

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  • Sereni, Enzo — (1905 44)    Italian pioneer of settlement in Palestine. He was born in Rome, and was one of the first in Italy to support settlement in Palestine. He went to Palestine in 1927, and worked on an orange grove. Initially a pacifist, he joined the… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

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