
mocha f. V. mocho.

Diccionario de la lengua española. 2015.

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  • Mocha — (UK: /ˈmɒk.ə/, US: /ˈmoʊk.ə/) may refer to cafe mocha, a beverage. It may also refer to: Contents 1 Computing 2 Sciences 2.1 Biology …   Wikipedia

  • MOCHA — (Ar. al Mukhā), a port city on the Red Sea coast of yemen . It is famous for being the major marketplace for coffee from the 15th to the 17th centuries, when the Dutch managed to obtain some seeds from the coffee tree – seeds which the Arab… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Mocha — Mo cha, n. 1. A seaport town of Yemen, on the Red Sea, also spelled {Mukha}. [1913 Webster] 2. A variety of coffee originally brought from Mocha. [1913 Webster] 3. An Abyssinian weight, equivalent to a Troy grain. [1913 Webster] 4. A flavoring… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mocha — (n.) 1733, fine coffee, from Mocha, Red Sea port of Yemen, from which coffee was exported. Meaning mixture of coffee and chocolate first recorded 1849. As a shade of dark brown, it is attested from 1895 …   Etymology dictionary

  • mocha — ► NOUN 1) a fine quality coffee. 2) a drink or flavouring made with this, typically with chocolate added. 3) a soft leather made from sheepskin. ORIGIN named after Mocha, a port on the Red Sea, from where the coffee and leather were first shipped …   English terms dictionary

  • mocha — [mō′kə] n. [after MOCHA] 1. a choice grade of coffee grown orig. in Arabia 2. Informal any coffee 3. a flavoring made from an infusion of coffee, or of coffee and chocolate 4. a soft, velvety leather of Egyptian sheepskin, used esp. for gloves 5 …   English World dictionary

  • Mocha — 1) Fluß in Peru, mündet südlich von Truxillo in den Stillen Ocean; 2) wüste Insel im Stillen Ocean, an der Küste der chilenischen Provinz Araucanía …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Mocha — (Mokka), Stadt in der türk. Provinz Jemen in Arabien, am Roten Meer, mit einem durch zwei Kastelle verteidigten Hafen und 4–5000 Einw., früher die erste Stadt der Provinz, jetzt sehr herabgekommen durch Verlegung des Handels, besonders der… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • MOCHA — Insul. Americae, in mari Australi prope Chilea …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Mocha — [mō′kə] seaport in SW Yemen, on the Red Sea: pop. 6,000 …   English World dictionary

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