
coplón (Del aum. desus. de copla). m. despect. Mala composición poética. U. m. en pl.)

Diccionario de la lengua española. 2015.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • coplón — (aum. de «copla») m. Mala composición en verso. ⇒ *Poesía. * * * coplón. (Del aum. desus. de copla). m. despect. Mala composición poética. U. m. en pl …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Coplon, Judith — (1922– )    Born into a middle class Jewish family in New York and educated at Barnard College, Judith Coplon joined the U.S. Justice Department as a clerk in 1943. Her background investigation disclosed that she had been a member of several… …   Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

  • Judith Coplon — (born 1922) was one of the first major figures tried in the United States for spying for the Soviet Union; problems in her trials had a profound influence on espionage prosecutions during the McCarthy era. Her disclosures to the Soviet… …   Wikipedia

  • Jeff Coplon — (born 1951, in Schenectady, New York) is an American journalist and author. Written WorkAfter eight years as a daily newspaper reporter, culminating in a stint at the Kansas City Times , he went on to co write (or “ghost”) 11 autobiographies.… …   Wikipedia

  • Denial of the Holodomor — Holodomor topics Historical background Famines in Russia and USSR · Soviet famine of 1932–1933 Soviet government Institutions: All Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) · Communist Party (Bolshevik) of Ukraine · …   Wikipedia

  • Holodomor genocide question — explores the facts whether the Holodomor, the disastrous famine in 1933 that claimed millions of lives in Ukraine, was an ethnic genocide, a natural catastrophe or democide. [cite web url= hol.htm title …   Wikipedia

  • Learned Hand — Infobox Judge name = Learned Hand imagesize = caption = office = Judge of United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit termstart = 1924 termend = 1961 nominator = Calvin Coolidge appointer = predecessor = Julius Marshuetz Mayer birthdate …   Wikipedia

  • Douglas Tottle — (b. 1944[1]) is a Canadian trade union activist and the author of a book about the Ukrainian famine of 1932–1933 (often referred to as the Holodomor) entitled Fraud, Famine, and Fascism: The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard. Tottle… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Soviet agents in the United States — List of Soviet agents in the United StatesThis is a list of spies who worked for the Soviet Union, Warsaw Pact nations, and Soviet aligned countries in the United States. The list is based on categorization of .Czechoslovakia (StB)*Karl Koecher,… …   Wikipedia

  • Projet VENONA — Le projet Venona est le fruit d’une longue collaboration extrêmement secrète entre les agences de renseignement américaines, le MI5 britannique et les quartiers généraux britanniques, qui avait pour objet la cryptanalyse de messages envoyés par… …   Wikipédia en Français

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