- clapa
- clapa f. Ar. Peladura o calva de un terreno por no haber nacido o haber muerto las semillas.
Diccionario de la lengua española. 2015.
Diccionario de la lengua española. 2015.
clapă — CLÁPĂ, clape, s.f. 1. Fiecare dintre dispozitivele instrumentelor muzicale de suflat, care servesc la închiderea sau la deschiderea unor orificii prin care trece curentul de aer ce produce sunetele; fiecare dintre elementele mobile ale… … Dicționar Român
clapa — (Ar.) f. Calva o *claro en un sembrado. * * * clapa. f. Ar. Peladura o calva de un terreno por no haber nacido o haber muerto las semillas … Enciclopedia Universal
clapa — cla|pa Mot Pla Nom femení … Diccionari Català-Català
clápã — s. f., g. d. art. clápei; pl. clápe … Romanian orthography
Osgod Clapa — (died 1054), also Osgot, was a nobleman in Anglo Saxon England during the reigns of Kings Cnut the Great, Harold Harefoot, Harthacnut, and Edward the Confessor. His name comes from the Old Danish Asgot, the byname Clapa meaning coarse, or rough,… … Wikipedia
Çð qui arriba de ripa-rapa que se'n torna de clipa-clapa — Traduction: Ce qui vient de rapine s en va en gaspillage. Explication: Bien mal acquis ne profite jamais … Proverbes Gascons
clapper — clap·per || klæpÉ™ n. tongue of a bell; one that claps or applauds … English contemporary dictionary
clappers — clap·per || klæpÉ™ n. tongue of a bell; one that claps or applauds … English contemporary dictionary
claptrap — clap·trap || klæptræp n. nonsense … English contemporary dictionary
Cleft Lip and Palate Association — UK Charity No 1108160 First registered 1979 Expenditure 2006/7 The Cleft Lip and Palate Association also known as CLAPA is a charity registered in England and is the only UK wide voluntary organisation specifically helping those with, and… … Wikipedia