
ayahuasca (Del quichua aya, muerto, y huasca, cuerda). f. Ecuad. y Perú. Liana de la selva de cuyas hojas se prepara un brebaje de efectos alucinógenos, empleado por chamanes con fines curativos.

Diccionario de la lengua española. 2015.

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  • Ayahuasca — wird sowohl die Dschungelliane Banisteriopsis caapi (auch: Banisteria caapi) als auch das Gebräu aus selbiger mit den Blättern der Psychotria viridis genannt. Durch die in dieser Lianenart enthaltenen Monoaminooxidase Hemmer (MAO Hemmer) wird das …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ayahuasca — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para la liana, véase Banisteriopsis caapi. Preparación de ayahuasca being en la Provincia de Napo en Ecuador. Se conoce como ayahuasca a las diversas infusiones enteogénicas …   Wikipedia Español

  • ayahuasca — (Ec.; Banisteriopsis caapi y Banisteriopsis quitensis) f. Cierta *planta malpigiácea narcótica, cuya infusión toman los indios para embriagarse y tener visiones fantásticas. ⇒ *Alcaloide. * * * ayahuasca. (Del quichua aya, muerto, y huasca,… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • ayahuasca — [ä΄yä wäs′kä] n. [AmSp < Quechua, lit., vine of the dead < aya, cadaver + huasca, vine] 1. a hallucinogenic drink containing harmine, C13H12N2O, prepared by Amazonian Indians from the bark of various vines of a genus ( Banisteriopsis, esp.… …   English World dictionary

  • Ayahuasca — This entry focuses on the Ayahuasca brew; for information on the vine of the same name, see Banisteriopsis caapi Ayahuasca cooking in the Napo region of Ecuador Ayahuasca (ayawaska pronounced [ajaˈwaska] in the Quechua language) is any of various …   Wikipedia

  • Ayahuasca — Peruvian Ayahuasca Liane Banisteriopsis caapi utili …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ayahuasca —    Literally, “vine of the dead” in Quechua; also known as yagé and cognates in various indigenous Amazonian languages. A blend of extracts of the Banisteriopsis vine and Psychotria virdis or a similar (DMT containing) plant from which a vomit… …   Historical dictionary of shamanism

  • ayahuasca — n. tropical woody vine noted for its properties that causes hallucinations (found in the Amazon region); hallucinogenic drink prepared from the bark of ayahuasca …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ayahuasca — [ˌʌɪə waskə] noun 1》 a tropical vine of the Amazon region, noted for its hallucinogenic properties. [Genus Banisteriopsis.] 2》 a hallucinogenic drink prepared from ayahuasca bark. Origin 1940s: from Latin Amer. Sp., from Quechua ayawáskha, from… …   English new terms dictionary

  • ayahuasca-induced hallucination —    Ayahuasca is known under many names, including ayawaska, bejuco de oro, caapi, and yajé. The name ayahuasca is the hispanized version of ayawaska, which is Quechua for vine of the soul or vine of the spirits . Both names refer to a… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

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