Pastor Universal

  • 91Cuarteto Continental — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cuarteto Continental Información personal Nombre real Cuarteto Continental Nacimiento 1980 Origen …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 92Miguel Castro Ruiz — Óleo de Miguel Castro Ruiz Nombre completo Miguel Castro Ruiz Nacimiento …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 93Temas bíblicos del arte paleocristiano — En el arte paleocristiano se dio un uso progresivo y cada vez mayor de temas bíblicos sea en contextos funerarios, sea también en contextos cultuales (iglesias). No fue una evolución sin dificultad debido a la prohibición bíblica de hacer… …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 94Infallibility — • In general, exemption or immunity from liability to error or failure; in particular in theological usage, the supernatural prerogative by which the Church of Christ is, by a special Divine assistance, preserved from liability to error in her… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 95Bishop — A bishop is an ordained or consecrated member of the Christian clergy who is generally entrusted with a position of authority and oversight. The office of bishop is one of the three ministerial offices within Christianity, the other two being… …


  • 96Persecution of Christians — This article is about acts committed against Christians because of their faith. For negative attitudes towards Christians, see Anti Christian sentiment. A Christian Dirce, by Henryk Siemiradzki. A Christian woman is martyred under Nero in this re …


  • 97Latter Rain Movement — The Latter Rain was a post World War II movement within Pentecostal Christianity which remains controversial to this day. For clarification in discussion of the Latter Rain a distinction should be made between: *The Latter Rain Revival (1948… …


  • 98Pablo Guerrero — Pablo Guerrero, Barnasants 2009. Datos generales Nombre real José Pablo Guerrero Cabanillas …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 99Schools — • History and development of education as related to the church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Schools     Schools     † …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 100Lumen Gentium — This article is part of a series on the Law of the Catholic Church Codes of Canon Law 1983 Code of Canon Law Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches 1917 Code of Canon Law Concord …
